Super Carniceria Compare Restaurant

Productos de Origen Local / Locally Sourced Products

Especiales Semanales/ Weekly Specials

Propiedad Familia / Local and Family Owned

Denver: (303) 761-4430

Aurora: (720) 532-0119


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Disfruta la rica comida de tu pais en nuestro Restaurant!

Enjoy great main dishes, sides, and more when you visit the restaurant at Super Carniceria Compare. From great meal choices to delicious desserts, you'll leave satisfied and happy - and our prices are great, too! Call us today or stop in

Menu | Menú

Breakfast | Desayuno

Desayuno Menú
Breakfast Menu

Platters | Platos

Platos Menú
Platters Menu

Especialidades | Specialties

Especialidades Menú
Specialties Menu

Mariscos | Seafood | Tamales

Mariscos Menú
Seafood Menu

Menu Dominicano

Menu Dominicano
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